Interreg Co-funded by the European Union
Türkiye is by far the leading country in all categories of the Black Sea Basin Programme 2021-2027 Final Call Project Applications The Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme Document revised Public Consultation Regarding The Revised Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme and Performance Framework Methodology Launched 151 Project Application Have Been Submitted under the First Call for Proposals of Black Sea Basin Programme 2021-2027 Clarification on National Co-financing for projects under Black Sea Basin CBC Programme First Call for Proposals A footnote for eligibility of certain regions of Moldova has been introduced to the 1st call for proposals of the Black Sea Basin CBC Programme First Call for Proposals under Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme 2021-2027 launched FAQ list for 1st call for proposals, Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme was published ENI Black Sea Basin CBC 2014-2020 Programme Document was revised Testing the submission of project application under Black Sea Basin Cross-border Cooperation Programme launched The European Commission approved the INTERREG NEXT Black Sea Basin 2021-2027 Programme The European Commission approved the INTERREG NEXT Med 2021-2027 Programme Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Cross-border Cooperation Programme date of project application is upcoming Social inclusion in Central and Eastern neighbourhood CBC programmes and projects Consultation process for the draft Applicant’s Package for the 1st call under 2021-2027 Black Sea Basin CBC Programme was launched The consultation process for the NEXT BSB Programme was opened NETWORKING in Black Sea Basin Programme Black Sea Basin Projects PHOTO Contest The third round of public consultation – The first version of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme 2021-2027 The new version of the Project Implementation Manual for Black Sea Basin Programme is now available Closure of the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2007-2013 Note for Beneficiaries regarding rules for the reimbursement of costs for COVID tests The ninth Newsletter of ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme was published Note for Beneficiaries of ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 was published Online Information Day and Survey is being conducted within IASON Project under Black Sea Basin Programme Important Notice for the beneficiaries of Black Sea Basin CBC Programme Second round of consultation for the preparation of the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme Vacancy Announcement for JTS Office of Black Sea Basin Cross-border Cooperation Programme (Extension of Deadline for Application) Conclusion of Stakeholders Consultation on Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme was published Third Joint Programming Commitee Meeting of Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin CBC Programme (2021-2027) was held Closure of the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2007-2013 The beneficiaries of Cross-border Cooperation Programmes can host young people as voluteer in their projects Erratum to the Project Implementation Manual The consultation process for the NEXT BSB Programme was started The Eight Newsletter of Black Sea Basin Programme is ready to be read Third Version of the Project Implementation Manual for Black Sea Basin Programme is now available Notice for Instruction to the Beneficiaries of the First CfPs under Black Sea Basin CBC Programme IMPORTANT NOTICE! INSTRUCTION no 26 from 23 September 2020 to the beneficiaries of the 2nd Call for Proposals Black Sea Basin Programme Projects’ video was broadcasted within the Scope of European Cooperation Day Black Sea Basin Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Project "ZEWSGES" Video Published within the Scope of European Cooperation Day Black Sea Basin Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Project Agronet Video Published within the Scope of European Cooperation Day Black Sea Basin Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Video Published within the Scope of European Cooperation Day European Cooperation Day 2020 Traces across Black Sea Basin projects Call for expression of interest for Covid-19 Response and Recovery Partnerships – Pilot Action for Interregional InnovationCOVID launched by DG REGIO Answers to questions on procurement in ENI CBC Programmes The seventh Newsletter of ENI CBC Black Sea Basin Programme TRAVEL around Black Sea MAGAZINE Information for the Beneficiaries of the Black Sea Basin Cross-border Cooperation Programme in the context of COVID-19 The EU needs your story about COVID-19 Information for the Beneficiaries of Black Sea Basin Cross-border Cooperation Programme in the context of coronavirus disease COVID-19 To the Attention of the Beneficiaries of the Black Sea Basin CBC Black Sea Basin CBC E-library is now open Information for the Beneficiaries of Black Sea Basin Cross-border Cooperation Programme n the context of coronavirus disease COVID-19 Learn more about ENICBC BSB ANEMONE Project To the attention of Black Sea Basin CBC Programme Beneficiaries To the attention of Black Sea Basin CBC Programme Beneficiaries Black Sea Basin Programme-PIM was revised Instruction no 15 from 20 November 2018 has been revised Black Sea Basin Programme- INSTRUCTION No.17 Black Sea Basin Programme-Working Papers for Expenditure Verification have been published. The fifth Newsletter of Black Sea Basin Programme has been published Let's keep the beaches clean. Summer Season 2019 Facebook Campaign Black Sea Basin Programme - Practical advice for the beneficiaries 5 To the attention of second Call for Proposals applicants Black Sea Basin Programme - Practical advice for the beneficiaries 4 Black Sea Basin Programme - Practical advice for the beneficiaries 3 Black Sea Basin Programme - Practical advice for the beneficiaries 2 Black Sea Basin Programme - Practical advice for the beneficiaries Announcement regarding Clarifications after Administrative Compliance and Eligibility Check Black Sea Programme - Important Notice for Project Implementation Training for Beneficiaries from the 1st Call for proposals Black Sea Basin Programme-Practical Advices on Project Implementation Black Sea Basin Programme-Instruction no 16 from 20 February 2019 to beneficiaries regarding Addendum and Notification EMS'deki Teknik Sorunlara İlişkin Duyuru Important Notice Regarding the 2nd Call for Proposals of Black Sea Basin Programme Erratum 2 to: Applicants Pack for the second Call for Proposals Independent Project Assessor Recruitment Announcement for the Second Call for Proposals of the Black Sea Basin Program 2014-2020 Black Sea Basin Programme- Erratum to: Applicants Pack for the second Call for Proposals Instruction to BSB Programme Beneficiaries from Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine Where to find potential project partners for the Black Sea Basin Programme? Where to find potential project partners for the Black Sea Basin Programme? Turkish Translation of the Applicants Pack for the 2nd Call for proposals of the Black Sea Basin Programme has been launched The third Newsletter of Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 Turkish Translation of Project Implementation Manual for Black Sea Basin Programme The Project Implementation Manual for the beneficiaries from the 1st Call for Proposals has been revised Second Call for Proposals under the Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 has been launched Project Preparation Workshops within the scope of Black Sea Basin Programme will be held in Kastamonu and Samsun Second Edition of the Communication and Visibility Manual is now Available for Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 Extended Deadline for Submitting Applications for Project Assessors for the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme Vacancies announcement for the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme