Interreg Co-funded by the European Union

A footnote for eligibility of certain regions of Moldova has been introduced to the 1st call for proposals of the Black Sea Basin CBC Programme

The Monitoring Committee of the Programme adopted a decision on Corrigendum to the Application Packs (both regular and small scale projects) for the first call for proposals of Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Cross-border Cooperation Programme. With the Corrigendum, the following text is introduced in Part I - Section 3 Eligible area, as footnote reference to Republic of Moldova regarding the eligibility of Transnistria region, Bender Municipality and Gagauzia of Republic of Moldova.

“Potential applicants from Transnistrian region, Bender Municipality and Gagauzia are eligible if they are registered with the competent national authorities, possess permissive acts of the Republic of Moldova, comply with the requirements of the national legislation in force and implement projects in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory framework of the Republic of Moldova and the country's cooperation/financing agreements with external partners.”

In this context, it is advised potential project beneficiaries to consider this issue in case they establish partnerships with institutions and organizations from Republic of Moldova.

The revised revised versions of the Guidelines (for both regular and small scale projects) and all annexes can be accessed at: