Interreg Co-funded by the European Union

FAQ list for 1st call for proposals, Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme was published

The FAQ section has been updated with relevant questions asked by the potential applicants and the replies provided to them during the events organized by the Managing Authority on April and May, 2023, but also by the Help Desk, following the launch of the 1st calls for project proposals within the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme, to be opened till 4 July 2023.

The questions are organized in five categories and can be accessed  through the link. 

  • General aspects
  • Jems
  • Activities
  • Eligibility requirements
  • Financial requirements

Webinars on the FAQ for  regular and small scale projects will be held online by Managing Authority of the programme:

Regular Projects

8 July 2023 11:00 (TR time)

Deadline for Registration   7 July 2023 08:00(TR time)


Registration Form


Small Scale Projects

14 July 2023 11:30(TRt ime)

Deadline for Registration  13 July 2023 08:00(TR time )


Registration Form