Interreg Co-funded by the European Union

Interreg IPA Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2021-2027 Joint Working Group Meeting Held

Within the scope of Interreg IPA Bulgaria-Turkey Cross-border Cooperation Programme for which Directorate for EU Affairs acts as the National Authority, the second meeting of Joint Working Group was held on-line with the co-chairmanship of Director for EU Affairs and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey H.E. Ambassador Faruk Kaymakcı and Deputy Minister of Bulgarian Ministry for Regional Development and Public Works Ms. Denitsa Nikolova.

In the meeting, Joint Working Group members discussed and approved the territorial analysis for Bulgaria-Turkey cross-border area and intervention logic on which 2021-2027 period of the Programme will be built. The aim of the territorial analysis is to define accurately local challenges and needs of the Programme area which supports to identify the objectives and priorities of the future Programme.

Please click here for the adopted documents.