Interreg Co-funded by the European Union
Seminar Regarding 2021-2027 CBC Programmes: Interreg Specific Objective 1 “A safer and more secure Europe and its neighbourhood” Held Online

Seminar Regarding 2021-2027 CBC Programmes: Interreg Specific Objective 1 “A safer and more secure Europe and its neighbourhood” Held Online

INTERACT, which is a programme supporting the management bodies of the cross border cooperation programmes implemented throughout Europe, organized a seminar named “Interreg Specific Objective 2: A safer and more secure   Europe and its neighbourhood (ISO2)” online on the 7th of July

The representatives from several cross border cooperation programmes and the European Commission (DG REGIO) participated in the web-seminar. Head of Department of Union Programmes and Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) Ms. Şebnem Sözer, EU Affairs Experts Mr. Serkan Bozkurt, and Ms. Övünç Güneş represented Turkey under Interreg-IPA Bulgaria-Turkey CBC Programme and ENI Black Sea Basin CBC Programme whose National Authority is the Directorate for EU Affairs.

This policy objective is designed specifically for Interreg programmes to address the common challenges of security, also in relation to migration, in particular through actions in the fields of border crossing management, accessibility and migration management. Under ISO 2, the projects could support small-scale infrastructures in border crossing points, integrate people with a migrant background, and promote better management of risks.

We maintain our works on determining policy objectives for CBC programmes in which Turkey will take part in 2021-2027 period.