Interreg Co-funded by the European Union

A Web-conference has Been Conducted within the Context of Preparations for the Strategic Project to Be Funded under the Interreg CBC Bulgaria-Turkey Programme

A strategic project is envisaged to be implemented within the context of the third call for proposals of the Interreg CBC Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2014-2020 period with the Burgas Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov University and Trakya University acting as the project partners.

The project titled “Blue Growth Research Hubs” aims for the establishment of a common research center on water eco-systems and its implementation period is planned to be 24 months.

As a part of the preparations for this strategic project, a web-conference has been conducted on 15 April 2020. Besides the representatives of the Bulgarian Ministry of Development and Public Works, which acts as the Managing Authority of the Programme, and Turkish Directorate for EU Affairs, acting as the National Authority, academic personnel from Burgas Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov University and Trakya University also participated in this meeting. In the aftermath of the meeting, which was conducted over the internet due to the COVID-19 outbreak, preparations for the strategic project are expected to continue without any pause.