Interreg Co-funded by the European Union
Cross - border Cooperation Programmes 2021-2027 Period Consultation Meeting was held

Cross - border Cooperation Programmes 2021-2027 Period Consultation Meeting was held


Within the scope of CBC Programmes for which our Directorate acts as the National Authority, a Consultation Meeting on 2021-2027 period programming works was held on March 3, 2020 in the premises of the Directorate. Under the chairmanship of Bülent Özcan, Acting Director General for Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation with participation of the representatives from TR Presidency Strategy and Budget Office, Directorate General for Development Agencies and Development Agencies located in the programme region.




In his opening remarks Mr. Bülent Özcan delivered brief information about the general frameworks of the Cross-border cooperation Programmes implemented through 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 and underlined the exploitation of allocated funds for Turkey through CBC Programmes.


Ms. Şebnem Sözer, Head of Union Programmes and Cross-border Cooperation Department, informed the participants about  the scope and objectives of  Cross-border cooperation programmes for the period 2007-2020 and the future programming period 2021-2027.





At the second part of the consultation meeting, the representatives  of the Development Agencies provide their opinion for next period policy objectives based on the regional development plans. They also shared possible project ideas under these priorities.