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IPA Multi-Country Program Coordination Meeting was held in Tiran

IPA Multi-Country Program Coordination Meeting was held in Tiran

IPA Multi-country Programme Coordination Meeting, whose implementation in Turkey is managed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate for EU Affairs as NIPAC, was held on 13-14 June 2019 in Tiran, Albania.

The meeting was organized by the European Commission Directorate General of Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) and attended by representatives of NIPAC and Delegation of seven candidate and potential candidate countries. Acting Director General of Financial Cooperation and Project Implementation Mr. Bülent Özcan and Head of Departmant for Union Programmes and Cross Border Cooperation Ms. Şebnem Sözer participated in the meeting as the representatives of Directorate for EU Affairs.

In the meeting, project proposals for IPA Multi Country Programme 2020 programming, IPA III new period  programming and multi-annual financial framework (MFF) were discussed. In the first day of the meeting, DG NEAR Director for Strategy and Turkey Myriam Ferran made statements about the IPA III period covering the years between 2021-2027 and the Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF) that will be valid in this period.