Interreg Co-funded by the European Union
Announcement for Regiostars Awards 2019

Announcement for Regiostars Awards 2019

The application process of Regiostars in which our project ''Enhancing the Respect for Gender Equality in Bulgaria - Turkey Cross-border area was selected as finalist in 2017, is ongoing.

The Regiostars Awards are a yearly competition, organised by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy. It aims at identifying good practices in regional development and highlighting innovative, EU-funded projects, which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions and project managers

There are five Regiostars Award categories for 2019

  • Promoting digital transformation;
  • Connecting the green, blue and grey;
  • Combatting inequalities and poverty;
  • Building climate-resilient cities;
  • Modernising health services.

Applications must be submitted by the project manager with the endorsement of the Managing Authority, which provided EU funding (European regional development fund, Cohesion fund, European Social Fund, Pre-accession instrument or European Neighbourhood Instrument) for the project.

Applications cannot be sent in a Word document, but have to be submitted exclusively via this online platform

For more information on the Regiostars Awards, please click here

For any enquiry about the application process, please contact: