Interreg Co-funded by the European Union
Information Events on Black Sea Programme  Second Call for Proposals Started in Istanbul

Information Events on Black Sea Programme Second Call for Proposals Started in Istanbul

The first information event for the promotion of the second and final call for proposals for the 2021-2027 period of the Black Sea Basin Cross-border Cooperation Programme for which the Directorate for EU Affairs is the National Authority, was held in Istanbul.

The event started with the opening speeches of Şebnem Sözer, Head of Department Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes of the Directorate for EU Affairs and Laura Bobarnac, Head of Unit in the Romanian Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration, which is the Managing Authority of the Programme. Speaking on behalf of the Managing Authority of the Programme, Bobarnac underlined that the there was a great interest from Türkiye for the  first call for proposals of the Programme and Türkiye was the first country in ranking in terms of accepted projects and awarded grants under the call. She also mentioned that they expect a similar result for Türkiye in the second call for proposals.

The requirements and conditions for the second call for proposals of the Black Sea Basin Programme were detailed at the event, as well as information on the application process and preparation of the budget. During the event, the project manager of the "Cooperation for Disaster Prevention and Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea Basin (Co-PREVENT)" project, implemented by Istanbul Regional Directorate of Forestry during the 2014-2020 period of the Programme, shared their experiences on preparation and implementation phases with the participants. The event, which was open to potential applicants from 25 provinces in the programme area, was well attended online as well. Those who missed the event and want to watch it again can attain the recording here.

You can find the presentations made at the event here.

The deadline for the call is Friday, June 28, 2024 at 14:00 Turkish time.