As a part of the preparations for the 2021-2027 period, initiated in 2018, a Joint Working Group (JWG) has been established for efficient input from the stakeholders in the programme area. JWG has gathered four times since its first meeting on 12 November 2019. During this process, a socio-economic analysis and a territorial analysis have been prepared as a part of the preparations conducted by the Directorate for EU Affairs and Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development of Public Works, co-chairing the JWG. In light of these documents, a comprehensive and integrated regional strategy has been adopted as the basis for determination of programme’s target areas. You may download the integrated regional strategy here.
In line with above mentioned strategy documents, JWG decided on the priorities of the programme and preparations of the programme document was initiated. Meanwhile, program area, budget, and management structure was clarified with the Interreg Regulation of the European Commission adopted on 24 June 2021 and Interreg Implementation Regulation adopted on 17 January 2022. Finally, with the consultation processes conducted in the region, the measures to be financed has been determined and allocation of the budget to these intervention areas has been clarified. Simultaneously, The Managing Authority of the programme has conducted a Strategic Environmental Assessment process and prepared an Environmental Assessment Report, in colloboration with the Directorate for EU Affairs, which has been consulted for the preparation of programme document. This report, reflecting the comments and opinions of the stakeholders in the region, collected with various consultation processes, can be downloaded here.
As a result of these efforts, the budget of the programme for 2021-2027 period has been determined to be 33.5 million Euro, while the priority areas have been decided to include “A Greener and Low Carbon Europe”, “A Europe Clozer to the Citizens”, and “A Safer and More Secure Europe”. Finally, the draft programme document has been accepted by the JWG with a written procedure conducted between 25 March - 7 April 2022.
At this stage, the programme document has been approved by the European Commission, and the Implementation Agreement with the Management Authority will be signed, as well as the Financing Agreement with the European Commission. Once these documents are published in the Official Gazette, the implementation process will be initiated.
The First Call for Project Ideas for the 2021-2027 period of the INTERREG IPA Bulgaria - Türkiye CBC Programme was launched on May 22, 2023 on the website of the programme.
All institutions and organizations defined as potential beneficiaries in the programme document are able to submit concept notes of project proposals, provided that they comply with the rules set in the Application Guide published with the announcement. Project applications will only be made online via the Joint Electronic Monitoring System (JeMS).
You can reach the summary of the first call for proposals here.