Interreg Co-funded by the European Union

Restricted Call for Governance Project Proposal under (Interreg VI-A) Bulgaria Türkiye Programme 2021-2027

Announcement of the Restricted Call for Governance Project Proposal under the (Interreg VI-A) Bulgaria Türkiye Programme 2021-2027 with the aim of providing the capacity and knowledge of the Strategy Board of the Territorial Strategy.

Eligible project partners are the Territorial Cooperation Management Directorate at Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria and Directorate for EU Affairs within the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Republic of Türkiye.

The total amount allocated to the Call for Governance Project Proposal is € 767 615.

The deadline for submission of the Governance Project Proposal is 02.09.2024, 17:00 EEST. The submission of the project proposal is entirely in electronic form using the Joint Electronic Monitoring System (JEMS):


Attachment: Application package