Interreg Co-funded by the European Union
Information Events to Support the Process of Converting Selected Project Ideas into Detailed Project Proposals under the Regional Strategy

Information Events to Support the Process of Converting Selected Project Ideas into Detailed Project Proposals under the Regional Strategy

In order to transform all selected project ideas into detailed project proposals under the Regional Strategy of the Bulgaria-Türkiye Cross-border Cooperation Programme, the National Authority of the programme, the Directorate for EU Affairs, will support the applicants with information events. During the first information event aiming both main beneficiaries and project partners included on the shortlist, applicants will participate in a series of interactive workshops.

The workshop to be conducted on July 9, 2024 at the Kırklareli İl Özel İdaresi Cazibe Merkezi,  the following topics will be discussed: "From concept note to full project proposal: What cannot be changed?”, “Expanding and detailing upon a project idea: How to build the project work plan?”, “Developing a full project proposal: How to build the project budget?”, “Compiling the full project proposal: How to prepare and submit the proposal?”, “Screening and contracting process”.

In the information event, which aims to increase the knowledge and skills required to prepare detailed project proposals, consultancy support will be provided for each project through a round table study.

The events are intended for selected applicants and we kindly request that no more than two representatives per project offer attend. In case there are three or more Turkish beneficiaries in a project offer, one representative from each institution will be allowed.

Please register for participation.

Please click here for the meeting agenda.

The information process, which aims to support applicants in preparing detailed project proposals, will continue with online events.