In the Civil Society Organisations Integration Workshop, which was organised for the first time in Edirne with the partnership of Edirne Municipality and 22 Dosteli Association, necessary actions to be taken to strengthen the civil society infrastructure of the city and benefitting more effectively from resources such as European Union funds were discussed.
Officials from Trakya University, KOSGEB Edirne branch, Edirne Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Edirne Office of Trakya Development Agency, Edirne Bar Association, Edirne Governorship Associations Desk as well as experts from the Joint Secretariat Edirne Branch Office of the Directorate for EU Affairs participated in the workshop. Ceyda Peközer, Project Manager of the Joint Secretariat Edirne Branch Office of Interreg IPA Bulgaria-Türkiye Programme, made a presentation on the Bulgaria-Türkiye Cross-border Cooperation Programme and other Cross-border Cooperation Programmes in which Türkiye is involved and which also include Edirne. She shared with the participants the details that will enable them to benefit from the European Union funds more efficiently.
Within the scope of the workshop, it is expected that non-governmental organisations in Edirne will get to know each other, cooperate and increase the project development capacity, as well as bringing the young population of the city into civil society and creating a permanent platform that will enable non-governmental organisations to take a more active role in the development of the city.