Representatives from countries involved in a total of 86 cross-border, transnational, interregional, and outermost regions programmes implemented across the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean under Interreg—one of the tools of the European Union's Cohesion Policy and Neighborhood Policy supporting Cross-border Cooperation—came together to shape the future of these programmes. The event, organized by the Interact Programme, which provides technical support to territorial and cross-border cooperation programmes, was hosted by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) in Brussels.
During the two-day event, sessions were held under seven different topics, and the key points from these sessions were summarized in pleanary sessions attended by all participants. The thematic sessions, which focused on topics such as Performance-Based Approach and Simplified Cost Options, Territorial Instruments, External Cooperation, a Greener Europe, Improving Synergies and Cooperation, Flexibility and Adaptability, and Future ISO I: Better Cooperation Governance were discussed in terms of key issues and messages from public consultation processes that have been ongoing for the past few years concerning the post-2027 period. Participants also shared their experiences from the 2014-2021 period and exchanged ideas for the future of the programmes.
To view the discussion papers prepared on the future of Interreg programmes and to follow the plenary sessions, please click here.